Reconnect With Your Womb through Painting
In Person Workshop

Activate your womb’s power and call your wildly authentic self home from the ideas that you aren’t enough and that your body is a problem.

Because you do you best when you’re truly anchored and alive.

The presence, the calmness she expresses, the slowness, the feminine energy, I absolutely love love love the workshop. I love Theo’s workshop, her mission to bring womb art everywhere and her invitation to create from our heart and wombs. I am so grateful and I would recommend this one thousand stars. I can’t wait for another immersive experience.’

Lucia on ‘Reconnect With Your Womb Through Painting’.

What’s Reconnect With Your Womb Through Painting?

Our wombs, creativity, sexual energy, and our menstrual cycles, can be subject to so much conditioning and taboo.

So much that we can forget just how powerful we are.

We forget that we’re sensual, creative beings that can create our lives from the inside out.

These are womb painting workshops with mindfulness and painting where you can stop, breath, embrace your emotions around your womb and all of its magic. 

When we come together and remember our sacred belonging, we root into our body, feeling the gifts that it brings.

Art is a beautiful way to acknowledge the emotions happening within and really express them. Making brush strokes reminds us that we can relax and that our feelings are worthy of being acknowledged.

These workshops are for you, especially if you are interested in:

  • womb and menstrual healing- participants often share that they’re cramps totally relax and disappear
  • connecting with likeminded people with herbal tea to soothe you
  • moving creative energy and releasing the blocks to your fulfilment
  • painting to express what’s within, not necessarily a technically precise outcome
  • connecting to your womb’s truth and hearing your intuition better about your life situations
  • having a piece of your own art at home to reflect on and have conversations about
  • or if you’re just curious about what the workshop might bring up- follow your intuition


These are 2-2.5 hour workshops, currently being run in Mother Studios, Lewisham, and Newhouse Art Space, Guildford.

These sessions developed organically from my own painting process.

Having created so many womb paintings I can tell you this is a true healer in my life. Being able to use red and black to intuitively depict my beautiful womb has helped me to unleash my emotions and have pain free, pleasurable menstruation.

Through my method I’ve been able to clear sexual blocks, honour the big vision in my life, and connect with others with full accountability.

I then wondered if this kind of painting works for others and I was delighted to find that it did.

Why do we need to feel shame around the most mysterious, generative and incredible parts of us? However this conditioning shows up for you, I welcome you to bring that to our group session to express on the canvas.


What’s Included?

Herbal tea to help us ground in the session and set intentions, so that you can fully land and feel connect to the group.

A soothing meditation to let go of all the pressure and expectation, drop into the moment, and feel into your creative urge.

Over an hour of painting time so you can express your deeper emotions.

You’ll also be able to take your painting home and start more conversations about the session going with friends and family, or simply hang it and remind yourself of your womb connection.


This space is about you expressing your emotions through art, so there’s no need for any experience or qualifications.

In the session I’ll be guiding you through a calming meditation, followed by painting and voluntary sharing with the group. You’ll be able to take your painting home at the end.

These sessions are currently held at Newhouse Art Space, Guildford.

‘During the workshop a feeling of peace came when you encouraged us to be how we are and the meditation grounded me further, and my mind calmed down as I felt more into my body. At the end of the workshop I felt really inspired and a wave of connection I really needed, to myself and the other kindred spirits- I left feeling a lot lighter, clearer in my mind and settled in my body.

I know that kind of shift is positive and I’m grateful for the opportunity to love and heal deeper through creativity and communing with women. Thankyou so much again’

– Participant on ‘Reconnect With your Womb Through Painting’

Your womb is a portal 

Into the unknown, your roots, the darkness that births new life, the tunnel to new manifestation

After being off centre with ourselves, the womb dismissed or denied

It’s time for the world to return to the true value of womb wisdom
To retrace our steps back to the source

Respect the sacredness of its power and exalt its guidance

It’s time for the womb to be honoured.

Ready to dive deeper?

1-1 Activate Your Womb Power Art
A 3 month enlivening journey into the depths of your womb so that you regain confidence in your ability to create your life from the inside out.